Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Blog From Your Own Website

If you know how to blog from your own site then you are many options open to you in the design and functionality of your blog that are not available on a hosted blog.

You can use Blogger from or Wordpress from Each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, such as the lack of trackback and categories to Blogger, and the relatively poor Raw HTML editing facility on Wordpress. But everyone has his fans and supporters, and those used toone or the other are generally loathe to changing. Neither, however, offers a wide range of options are open, which chose to run Wordpress or another blogging software from their own web space to have.

Those who use the hosted version is likely that either, because they do not need the options offered by the uploaded software, and you are satisfied with the operation of a blog with the range of options that have offered to host the blog. Others may not have a website, and have no intentions to have abecause they have no need for your own site. Many bloggers are not involved in internet marketing, and blogs are not earning their money - not even AdSense revenue.

Enjoy blogging about the political issues of the day, the latest movies and even their lives. Others, however, use blogs as part of their professional activity, and a blog is a great medium for advertising a company or a product. It is an ideal way of linking several sites that havedesigned to sell various products, and even cover various niches. This is not easy, without doing a blog because search engines like Google frown on ads on a website for anther website provides information on a completely different topic.

What is seen as a lack of relevance of a site diversity in a blog. How do you go about running your blog from your own site? offers free software that you can upload to your own web space. The best way to do thatThis is by using an FTP client. This is a software that you can transfer files and folders from your hard drive allows up to your website. It can also be used to transfer files from one site to another.

Upload bodies on the web pages you can only upload files, not folders or directories. Without an FTP client would be, you must create folders identical to those that the Wordpress files. You would then have to upload each file individually, while maintaining the original directoryStructure. This may take some time, and mistakes are easy to make. Their first steps, the blogging software is downloaded to your hard drive and then FTP it to your website. If you do this, your FTP software also allow you to change the attributes as in the blog set up instructions. They will also use a text editor to modify the contents of some files, but it's fairly easy to do.

You then create a MySQL database for your blog. MySQL is apowerful open-source software database management system, SQL (Structured Query Language) that most normal web hosting services offer free use on your web space. The database is easy to configure by using the instructions that are likely to be provided by your web host.

After that you are all set. You can use the default page template that comes with Wordpress, but you now have complete flexibility in the look and feel of your blog. You canuploaded by the thousands of free or paid online templates available, and also one of the plugins you want to use. You can use all elements of the template to customize it completely, including the style sheet for the whole page, headers and footers, sidebars and so on. You can add graphics, Adsense blocks, affiliate links and even offer to sell your own products.

Plugins are software elements that provide specific resources to your blog. Examples include calendars,Anti-spam filters, RSS feeds, sitemap generator, Tag systems and so on. There are thousands of them that are used in order to completely customize your blog.

If you run a website and the work, then a blog can be a very dangerous thing. It is so addictive, you find yourself neglecting your site and business and spending all your time blogging and trying out various plug-ins can use templates and themes.

Know what you can from your blog to the blog very own websiteuseful, but make sure that your time on the budget. A blog is a great thing, but very addictive.

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