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If you read the internet and all the websites dedicated to Asp.Net you will inevitably about the wonders of the DataGrid, DataList, and Repeater to read. Although each of them has its place if you are only displaying data there is a much faster and more efficient ways to do this.
Suppose you have a page with items based on a query string. Take my article pages for instance. Each item is stored in a database and displayed on the page using the unique ID of the basethe article as stored in the database.
A normal asp page execution procedure goes something like this. The code queries the database on the article ID and then brings back that information to the page where you show it in the fashion that you want. This is a fairly straight forward approach with asp and is done all the time.
Just as we speed up our pages?
Number 1: Use Asp.Net Caching!
This is a breeze, and I do not want to goBrilliance and details of caching here because at the time of writing has this article 2780000 Google for more. Basically, instead of loading the query the database each time the page, one has only one query of the database and load that into the system cache. Subsequent calls to load the page retrieve the data from the cache to the database that have an immediate and significant performance enhancement compared. You can then use the cache, how long the cache should the businessInformation and many other features. If you use the cache, you should, if possible!
Point 2: If possible, you should not use the standard Asp.Net controls.
That's right. The standard controls are designed for rapid development and not page performance. They allow you to visit design, the grave and display of data very quickly, but their actual performance suffers because the additional cost for making it easier and speed development time and notPage execution speed.
Instead, create either a User Control or even better, a Web Custom Control is by far the fastest performance wise and very easy to create and use.
Number 3: Use an SqlDataReader or even better to use a sentence to execute command for SQL Server data retrieval and easy that a command for the database.
An SqlDataReader is a fast-forward DataReader only that the connection after it is closed the lastSeries of results. Now for my article pages we are back to only 1 particular result. In this case, we would opt for the basic set-command. If you return more than 1 outcome, would use in the table of contents for example, use the SqlDataReader because you once more sets of results.
Set up commands are stored procedures that return the data as parameters to be a result set, then looped again in order to get your data against it. So instead ofWrite your stored procedure like this, which brings back 1 result set:
Select Title, Body, Author
Of the articles
Where ArtID = 215
We can write it with a set of command like this.
Create Procedure mysp_GetArticle
@ Title varchar (200) output,
@ Body varchar (8000) output,
@ Author VARCHAR (500) Output
Select @ Title = Title, @ Body = Body, @ Author = Author
Of the articles
Where ArtID = 215
The above query will returnonly the three parameters, and not a result or a record with a so-called, you do not have to walk through the returned data set that only 1 result in it. This second little process of work decreases the performance, so you should avoid, if possible. Combine this technique with the cache.
Number 4: Using Classes and ArrayLists to return a SqlDataReader forward.
Create a class and then, if there is more to save as a series of results to theseResults in individual instances of this class. Finally, each class stored in an ArrayList. You can only save that ArrayList into the cache. So instead of the results back from a SqlDataReader when loading your page you get them from the ArrayList which is stored in the cache. Nice huh?
Finally ... You want all of these techniques in the final results, which are being implemented in the following manner and order, would take over.
On the firstTime the page loads, query the database and delivers it to save all your data into separate classes. Then store each class in an ArrayList. If you have only one result you can only save the class in the cache. Then take your ArrayList and store it in the cache.
First you create a Web Custom Control and pass the cached ArrayList of custom controls and loop your data using the HtmlTextWriter which is very fast. Remember, every subsequent call to load thePage from the cache are called, which saves your ArraList of classes or your single class.
Certainly, a significant amount of additional coding takes to do it that way, especially if you have a proper error handling into consideration, but when you approach after that your pages be screeching fast, you will immediately notice the difference and your asp. net sites are in the correct order are carried out - data processing in the Page_Load function and the HTML display in thePage_Render function.
Also, you will not regret it and your visitors.
Happy programming!
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Remember good old days when your company probably had Great Plains Dynamics? If you are in San Francisco Bay Area - you had local Great Plains Software partner consulting company, which it served mainly come on site and store for at least four hours, although the problem deserves 5-min fix? That was the end of the 20th Century, and remote support technologies were not very far advanced - Citrix was making good progress and taking market over from Symantec pcAnywhere. Today, asMicrosoft Terminal Server and Citrix are remote support standards and IT department uses them to application servers for host nation-wide and world-wide users, you might think of getting remote support for your ERP and CRM systems. In this small article we will take a look at Microsoft CRM remote support, customization, reporting, implementation and integration.
• Why Microsoft CRM Remote Support? Microsoft CRM market is still narrow niche and MS CRM ConsultingCompanies do not have enough customers in their respected local markets: Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York - even in these supermarkets. To survive, Microsoft CRM VAR went to nationwide and even international markets based on the customer.
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• Customization. Today, even if Microsoft Business Solutions has open technology from Microsoft CRM SDK - the complexity of the specific tasks (messaging on Lotus Notes Domino, generic MAPI, advanced MS CRM - Exchange connector)Programming requires precision, the National Development Center should be outsourced. As our experience shows - customers are demanding the know-how, not just cheap generic developers. Who is eligible for the small price - they usually get bad results.
• Large Business ERP. Microsoft CRM proved its market power and the ability to automate large listed companies. It is located in Microsoft SQL Server and uses the full range of MicrosoftTechnologies:. Net, Active Directories, MS Exchange, text search, Crystal Reports Enterprise. We are in Microsoft CRM automates capacity for aerospace & defense, pharmaceutical, supply chain management, medical and hospitals, distribution and logistics, oil & gas, retail and wholesale, education, confidence for Non-Profit --
• Integration. Microsoft CRM has standard integration tool from Microsoft Great Plains, Navision and Axapta integrations are on the road. However, you may in integratingMicrosoft CRM with heterogeneous databases including Oracle, DB2, Lotus Notes Domino, Sybase, Pervasive SQL or Ctree / Faircomm.
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A personal website includes a rule under upload large amounts of data on the site from time to time. This usually requires a fast server to access reliable and in relation to the data. The usual and common systems are preferably MS Access, Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL. Here we will fight the features that the pros and cons of MSSQL database hosting.
Mssql uses a database-hosting servers from Microsoft and can be a cost-effective for the purposesDatabase hosting. The additional cost at which it is worthwhile given the benefits that they get in a position to.
One of the advantages of mssql database hosting can provide service that is its reliability. The data manager is responsible for writing and reading and in the database that is completely reliable. Even in the worst scenario, the crash of machinery customers, there is rollback of transactions carried out for the system and data recovery is useful.
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The only negative aspects of the MSSQL database hosting are the high costs of deployment by the required licenses and other annual fees and the system is available, protected by a single vendor only once acquired by a digital locking system. Support and maintenance may also prove difficult often require the assistance of professional system administrators and it isonly functional on a Windows-based system.
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The type of web hosting that you need for your business varies greatly with what is your purpose. Read on to find out exactly what you should look for in a hosting provider to get the best service value for the money!
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PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a server-side scripting or programming-based programming language. Server script is the script that has the server before the HTML file only conferred these scripts on the client browser. Scripts PHP programming is a software program that is used for Web hosting and web development. But do not allow all web platforms and Web server, PHP programming to run in them. Win32Such a platform is a web platform where PHP is not possible. Programmers knowledge of PHP programming have a need in the IT community.
PHP is most popular web scripting program here today.
The reason for the popularity is as follows:
The roots of PHP programs are written in C & C + + and is similar to C + + and C syntax. It is easy to manipulate and learn for all programmers. The back-end tool for PHP is My SQL. The connection property My SQL, an online database that matches correctly with PHP. Webmasters make that automates their websites, look for My SQL and PHP as the best option for the dynamics of their site to. Operating system like Windows and Unix, PHP Programming Language. Buffering the output of the PHP language is very powerful and helps in enhancing the flow production. The surroundings of the buffer in the internal PHP programming helps to be arranged with the head before the contents of the> Web site.
PHP is a dynamic property and works with HTML elements combined, appear to be dynamic in nature on the website. PHP has the property of the codes within their own boundaries to analyze. Not parse PHP, which are outside its delimiters, and sent all the elements left in the output.
Different types of relational database management systems can be combined with PHP programs and run on various popular web servers. The connection also works for other OSas well. PHP program provides quality assurance and is a safe, fast, reliable and inexpensive option for the development and application hosting the Web.
PHP programming is free and easy as her. NET programming counterpart. However, possible. NET programming using crystals for the report and the creation of a complex system can be easily carried out with assistance. Net.
Also SAPI or a command line interface for PHP applications for desktop and shell improvements givenAnalyzing log files, daemons, etc. is always on command lines that are used commonly used in shell scripts, Perl, awk, and Python.
The main focus of Web Development with PHP programming has shifted to focus in server-side scripting of the first, which was to create dynamic Web pages. The PHP program can be compiled based on input from a variety of streaming files with different PHP statements and may issue or does it show in a different streamData.
PHP Programming is the new revolution in the world!
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